Sgt. Slaughter & Co. (30 minute AWA video)
AWA Blood on the Sand
AWA Battle by the Bay
AWA WrestleRock 1986
AWA SuperClash 1
AWA SuperClash 2 (2 Discs)
AWA SuperClash 3 (From WWE 24/7) (Need a 2 disc version, mine is pixalated)
AWA Brawl in St. Paul
AWA Wrestling for a Cure
AWA Star Cage '85
AWA Turkey Day Turmoil
AWA Best of the Commericial Releases
AWA Best of the East/West Connection (Adrian Adonis/Jesse Ventura) (2 Discs)
Best of the Original Midnight Express in the AWA
Best of Ric Flair in the AWA
AWA Legends- Curt Hennig
AWA TV- Jan-April 1990
Classic AWA Wrestling: Best of the Midnight Rockers
